Saved searches

Why use them?

Saved searches appear as links on your home page which load commonly used subsets of your bookmarks. They can be used for quick access to commonly used resources, to publish class reading lists, bibliographies for a paper or related links lists for a research project.

How to use them

Create a keyword for each class you teach (eg. ARPH3920), for each paper you are writing (eg. JRA3) or for each research project (eg. LWH), use them to mark relevant references and save a search for each of these keywords as a Saved search. You will get a list of hyperlinks on your HEURIST home page something like:

Saved searches    
Favourites x
Angkor x
ARPH3920 x
JRA3 x

How to create them

To create a saved search, simply carry out a search to find the set of bookmarks you wish to save, type a name in the box next to Save current search as: and hit the Save button.

Favourite search

Your favourite saved search - indicated by the yellow home symbol - is loaded every time you go to the HEURIST home page. It is normally a search for all those references tagged with the keyword favourite, which can be inserted automatically by clicking Add to Favourites on the bookmark editing page.

Make a different saved search your favourite by clicking on the grey home symbol . Delete saved searches with the X in the last column.

See also

Live bookmarks: In recent browsers (Firefox 1.5 and above) the results of a search can be inserted as a live bookmark in your browser links toolbar. When clicked, the results of the search will appear as a pulldown list of links.