Welcome to Heurist
Heurist is a sophisticated eResearch tool for managing web bookmarks, references, notes, and a wide range of research data. Designed for individual or collaborative use, it may at first appear puzzling - why, for instance, is the home page just a search - but it will all become clear if you persist a bit.
We strongly recommend that you click Take the Tour to get oriented. Please also visit Help (link at top right) - don't ignore it until you have a problem, as users generally find it quite approachable and very, very helpful.
Heurist is a stable system running several major web sites (see Example Collections once you've logged in). It is also a system in rapid development, so if you have suggestions we want to hear them. You may be surprised how quickly your suggestions pop up in the software.
We are also very happy to provide advice - from simple email assistance
( ) to the design of complete eResearch systems.
Please register and then login to take full advantage of the system.